• 화산

    과학동아 1991년 09호

    Philippines, are situated on the Ring of Fire.Although Japan and Indonesia are the most volcanic regions on Earth, the western hemisphere has its share of these volatile mountains. Mt. St. Helens, a pipsqueak of a volcano compared to those in Japan and the Philippines, is also a product of the Ring of Fire. There are others in Mexico and Central America.The largest volcanic explosion in modern ...

  • 고향 찾아가는 희귀한 말

    과학동아 1991년 04호

    to the attention of western naturalists when an explorer from the Polish province of the Russian Empire shot one in western Mongolia in the 1870s. He brought back the skin and bones to the St. Petersburg Museum, and there, naturalists found that it was not exactly an ordinary horse but was a separate species.Since the explorer's name was Nikolai Przewalski (pronounced "per-zhe-WAHL-skee"), the ...

  • 줄어드는 삼각주

    줄어드는 삼각주

    과학동아 1991년 02호

    nation on Earth in ancient times. For a period between 1500 B.C. and 1200 B.C., its armies invaded the upper Nile and western Asia and it formed the "Egyptian Empire." Finally it fell to the Persians in 525 B.C., and was never truly independent again, but it continued to flourish.Between 300 B.C. and 30 B.C., it was the most intellectually advanced nation on Earth. In Alexandria, it had the ...

  • 보이지 않았던 별

    과학동아 1990년 09호

    signify the moon, for many Native American tribes imagine that the moon's dark markings represent a rabbit (just as in Western tradition they represent a man with a thorn bush.)Under the rabbit is a dark circle with rays emerging in all directions, and this seems to symbolize a star. When the 1054 supernova first appeared, the crescent moon was in the sky nearby. Robbins and Westmoreland ...

  • 상처를 찾아라

    과학동아 1990년 08호

    S. Geological Survey and Russell Seitz of Cambridge, Mass., are also searching for the scar. They point out a place in western Cuba where the layer of shocked quartz may be up to 40 feet thick, and that there may be a place in the ocean just west of Cuba where there is a depression large enough to represent the scar.Unfortunately, Bohor and Seitz have not been able to examine the deposit of ...

  • 두 사람

    과학동아 1990년 03호

    man" because the first bony remnants fo this variety were located in the vally("Thal") of the Neander River in western Germany. The bones were clearly human but the skull, in particular, showed interesting differences from "modern man." It had pronounced bony ridges above the eyes, which modern human beings don't have. It also had a backward-sloping forehead, a receding chin and unusually ...

  • 경제교류가 가져오는 것 Business Leads The Way

    과학동아 1990년 01호

    Nations such as the Soviet Union and China, which are politically hostile to the West, are nevertheless eager for Western technology and trade, and keep the peace for that reason more than any other.Already large business firms are multinational and are forced to think in global terms. Narrow considerations of nationalism and patriotism simply don't make sense anymore. This must continue if ...

  • 최초의 언어

    과학동아 1989년 03호

    each other, but to the old Roman language we call Latin.This is not a mystery. Latin was once the common language of Western Europe in the days of the Roman Empire. After the fall of that empire, and the temporary decline of education and other aspects of civilization, the Latin dialects in different parts of what had been the empire drifted apart and eventually developed into new languages ...

  • 산불의 냉각효과

    산불의 냉각효과

    과학동아 1989년 02호

    to believe.But now Alan Robock, a meteorologist of the University of Maryland, has reported on the effects ot the Western wildfires of the summer of 1988. Smoke emitted from those fires was trapped over some valleys in Northern California and Southern Oregon by a inversion layer. Smoke accumulated there for three weeks.Naturally, this created respiratory problems for people, so that more than ...

  • 우리의 옛 선조들

    우리의 옛 선조들

    과학동아 1987년 12호

    themselves with new measurements that show us, or out forebears, to be more and more ancient. Until modern times, Western scholars, even scientist, took it for granted that humanity (and Earth itself) was only 6,000 years old or so, because that was what the Bible seemed to imply. As early as 1797, however, an Englishman, John Frere, discovered crudely fashioned flint tools that must have ...

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