• Technoscience gives us Miracle medicines

    과학동아 2012년 02호

    we have made two important advancements in medical sciences. Those are vaccines for Malaria, and preventive medicines for AIDS. Firstly, let’s take a look at the Malaria vaccine first. In a first-ever malaria vaccine tested in children in sub-Saharan Africa cut the risk of infection with malaria by about half. Scientists working in a public-private partnership involving GlaxoSmithKline ...

  • Are We Having Babies All Wrong?

    Are We Having Babies All Wrong?

    과학동아 2011년 07호

    in April 2011, Gaskin argues that America needs midwives more than ever.You started attending births with no formal medical training. How did you know you could do it?I knew how to deal with potential complica tions because kind doctors helped me. But basically I was behaving the way my aunt, who had a farm, would around any laboring mammal. You don’t disturb her, you don’t upset her. She ...

  • You Must Get Flu Vaccine

    You Must Get Flu Vaccine

    과학동아 2010년 11호

    who’s not. What is the type-D personality? This is the very recent study result, a concept used in the field of medical psychology. People with type-D personality tend to have a negative outlook on life and suppress their feelings. They’re also likely to be reserved and socially inhibited. All these factors can lead to heart attacks or stroke, clinical depression, and over-all unhappiness. ...

  • One More Step to AIDS Cure

    One More Step to AIDS Cure

    과학동아 2010년 04호

    into the cabinet and pull out in a vial and inject into a person.” says Dr. Bruce Walker, an HIV expert at Harvard Medical School.That may be true. But Dr. David Ho, who has been working to develop an HIV vaccine of his own, now believes that a traditional shot, one that relies on snippets of a virus to both awaken and prod the immune system to churn out antibodies, may not be the best way ...

  • 해외에서 의사가 되는 방법은?

    과학동아 2010년 01호

    physician and surgeon) 면허증을 받을 수 있습니다. 미국 의사자격 시험인 USMLE(United States Medical Licensing Examination)는 보통 의학대학원 과정 동안 3단계로 나눠 치릅니다. 외국인의 경우 1, 2단계 외에 토플과 CSA 시험을 치른 뒤 ECFMG 자격증을 획득해야만 3단계 시험을 응시할 수 있는 다소 까다로운 과정을 ...

  • How a Sugar Pill Can Heal You?

    How a Sugar Pill Can Heal You?

    과학동아 2009년 12호

    that a drug will cause adverse side effects.”Recently a groups of scholars published an article in the famous medical journal of ‘Pain’. In the paper, researchers found that clinical-trial participants reported a wide variety of nocebo complaints. False symptoms include burning sensations, vomiting and even upper respiratory tract infections. Many participants reported these problems ...

  • Why Are Flu Viruses Seasonal?

    과학동아 2009년 09호

    do infections tend to go up in the cold winter season and level off in the summer? According to a study at Mount Sinai Medical School, the flu virus is more stable and able to stay airborne longer when the air is cold and dry. The Mount Sinai researchers, who tested guinea pigs, found that the spread of the virus was most prevalent when the temperature reached a chilly 5°C. And infections ...

  • 의사가 되기 위한 과학고 진학의 이점은?

    의사가 되기 위한 과학고 진학의 이점은?

    과학동아 2009년 02호

    입학하기 위해서는 학사학위를 취득한 뒤 의사 자질을 평가하는 시험인 MEET(Medical Education Eligibility Test)에 응시해야 합니다. MEET 출제영역은 생물학, 화학, 물리학이 주를 이루므로 학부를 이공계로 진학한다면 동일계열 특별전형의 혜택을 받을 수 있습니다. 의사 면허를 취득하고 인턴 1년, 레지던트 ...

  • Erasable Memory

    과학동아 2009년 02호

    and addictions-addictions to alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and so on-from the brain. Researchers at SUNY Downstate Medical Center have found that a molecule called PKMzeta, known to preserve memories. It specifically stores complex, high-quality memories that provide detailed information about an animal’s location, fears, and actions. But the substance does not control the ability to process ...

  • 의·치의학전문대학원 이공계 재앙인가?

    의·치의학전문대학원 이공계 재앙인가?

    과학동아 2008년 12호

    대학에서 약 30명 정도를 선발할 것으로 예상된다.프리메디 - 프리메디컬 에듀케이션(Pre-Medical Education)의 줄임말로 의학부 예과과정(2년) 대신 학생들은 다양한 전공의 학부과정(4년)을 배운다. 의·치의학전문대학원 진학의 통과의례 ‘MEET&DEET’고등학교 3학년생들이 대학수학능력시험을 치르듯 ...

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