• 로봇 곤충들

    과학동아 1990년 12호

    humanoid.First, there is a vast technology in place already that is designed to fit the human body. Machines can be run in particular ways because the human body can reach and bend in certain ways, because arms and legs and fingers are of certain sizes, and so on. If robots can be devised that are humanoid in structure, they can use the technology that is already in existence. We won't have to ...

  • 도도새 같은 죽음

    과학동아 1990년 11호

    that showed thinner birds and has produced a model that seems far less ungainly, and that may mean it was able to run in reasonable fashion. There is, after all, no use in adding the insult of ungainliness to the injury of extinction.As an example of the interrelationship of species, there is a tree on Mauritius whose seeds will not germinate unless the fruit has first passed through the ...

  • 박테리아 광부들

    과학동아 1990년 08호

    아이다호 국립 공학 연구소에 있는 과학자팀은 1990년 4월에 저급의 광석에서 코발트를 추출하는 데 박테리아를 이용해 왔다고 보고했다.이것은 인간이 지난 5천년 동안 몰두해 왔던 ... kind of what is to them nutritious rock, and they will them recycle the metals for us. In that case, we will never run out of metal ...

  • 잘못된 경종

    과학동아 1990년 05호

    one direction. If it spun in the other, there was no weight loss.This seemed absolutely unbelievable. The universe is run by certain rules of "sy㎜etry." If something happens in one direction, it should happen in another. Thus, the sun would pull at the Earth at a certain distance with the same force, wherever Earth might be, on one side of the sun or the other, or above or below. How could ...

  • PC에서 쓸 수 있는 컴퓨터언어

    PC에서 쓸 수 있는 컴퓨터언어

    과학동아 1990년 01호

    소프트웨어도 폭발적으로 늘어나고 있는데, 대표적인 것으로 래티스(Lattice)-C,MS-C, 런(Run)-C, 퀵-C, 터보-C 등이 있다. 이중에서 대화형으로 진행되는 런-C가 초보자에게 권할만하고, 중급자용으로는 터보-C나 퀵-C, 고급 사용자는 MS-C를 선택하는 추세이다.언어를 익히는 비결컴퓨터의 프로그램 언어를 ...

  • 대 해빙

    대 해빙

    과학동아 1989년 12호

    vast rush of water.He suggests that the ice-sheets did indeed melt very slowly, but that the water did not necessarily run off, soak into the sea as rapidly as it formed.Instead, water might have slowly settled down to the bottom of the ice-sheet, soaked into the ground till it reached bed-rock, and then slowly accumulated there. There would thus form what was essentially a lake of water ...

  • 없앨 수 없는 것(플라스틱)

    과학동아 1989년 12호

    on Earth for eons.If, when things were used up, they were really used up and could never be used again, we would run out of things in a relatively short time and we'd all die.But that's exactly how it is with plastics. Plastics are long chains of carbon atoms, with a few other atoms added to them ; chains that do not occur in nature. The chains hang together so tightly that ordinary ...

  • 인류최초의 발견─불의 사용

    과학동아 1989년 03호

    of fire, from which they fled.Human beings or prehuman beings, however, were the first organisms that did not merely run from fire. They tamed and used it. They carried a burning branch gingerly to some convenient place, sheltered it, fed the fire more fuel, and kept it burning.At first, human beings or their ancestors had to depend on lightning to start a fire. If the fire went out, they had ...

  • 성취를 향한 힘찬 발걸음

    성취를 향한 힘찬 발걸음

    과학동아 1988년 10호

    그리는 프로그램이었지만 RUN 시킬 때마다 느껴지는 야릇한 희열감에 몇번이고 다시 RUN 시켜 보았다. 이 희열감은 나를 더욱 컴퓨터에 빠져들게 하였다. 언제부터인가, 전시장에 게임 붐이 일기 시작했다. '자동차 경주'니 '벽돌깨기'니 하는 것이 그 주인공이었다. 이런 것도 게임이냐고 비웃을 ...

  • 최고(最古)의 날짐승

    과학동아 1988년 08호

    developed feathers? One possibilty is that the feathers were a trapping device fro insects. The archeopteryx might run on its hind legs(as some lizards do today) and hold out its forelegs to catch insects. The feathers would widen the effective reach of the forelegs and entangle the insects.The feathers, however, would also act like a parachute. If an archeopteryx leaped, it would stay in the ...

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