• 빛의 굴절

    과학동아 1991년 04호

    If we add up the mass of all the stars in all the galaxies, it seems to turn out that there just isn't enough mass to account for gravitational effects. Some astronomers think that the missing mass is as much as 200 times greater than the mass we can see, but no one knows what the nature of the unseen mass might be.Other astronomers are adamant that the missing mass does not really exist- and ...

  • 배타의 원리

    배타의 원리

    과학동아 1991년 03호

    1922 for this but his theory was rather crude to start with, and, as the years passed, it was extended and refined to account for still finer points in the way atoms absorbed and emitted energy.Finally, in 1925, the Austrian physicist, Wolfgang Pauli, pointed out that no more than two electrons could be in exactly the same orbit, and those two could only co-exist there if they spun in opposite ...

  • 블랙홀이 지구에도 있는가?

    과학동아 1991년 01호

    Even a tiny miniblack hole with a mass of only about 6 billion tons would produce enough heat as it evaporated to account for a hot spot.Trofimenko also points out there are regions of higher-than-usual density on the moon ; there are extinct volcanoes on Mars ; and active volcanoes on Jupiter's satellite, Io. Perhaps all such things are the product of miniblack holes.Is there any way of ...

  • 일본의 기술

    과학동아 1991년 01호

    지난 1931년부터 1945년까지 처럼 막강한 군사대국은 아니지만 일본은 현재 경제대국과 기술강국으로서 많은 전진과 발전으로 분주한 곳 ... problem is that all such dreams can so easily be turned into nightmares through side effects not properly taken into account. Large projects must be approached cautiously!(C) 1990, Los Angeles Times ...

  • 우주의 형성

    과학동아 1990년 06호

    have to figure out a way in which gravitation(ital) alone(unital) can shape the universe. Gravitation could account for this process, but according to calculations it would have taken an impossibly long time. Some of the larger clusters of galaxies, astronomers calculated, could have been formed by gravity only after a period many times greater than the actual age of the universe.Of course, ...

  • 잘못된 경종

    과학동아 1990년 05호

    a neutron star that spun at a rate of 2,000 times a second. This put astronomers into a tizzy because they could not account for a spin so unusually rapid. But then it turned out that the observations were mistaken. The neutron star had not actually been seen after all.Now here's the latest. Toward the end of 1989, two Japanese physicists, H. Hayasaka and S. Takeuchi, reported something ...

  • 예수의 수의

    과학동아 1989년 05호

    brownish image of a human being with wounds corresponding to those inflicted on Jesus, according to the biblical account.It was first put on display about 1350, more than 13 centuries after Jesus' death, and no one ever explained where it had been all those centuries of how it came to surface only then. Skeptics (and there were some from the very start) supposed it had been manufactured by ...

  • 꿈이 현실로 되다

    과학동아 1988년 10호

    both in the model and in reality.The six-carbon ring has been accepted ever since.Just the ring itself didn't quite account for the stability, to be sure, but in the early 20th Century it was found that atoms consist of tiny nuclei surrounded by light electrons. It is the electrons that interact with each other to form bonds between atoms. In 1932, Linus Pauling showed that, in the case of ...

  • 시베리아에서 있은 폭발

    과학동아 1988년 01호

    suggest that the invading object was a comet that was surrounded by dusty material rich in iridium. That would account for the combination of the presence of iridium and the absence of a crater. Not everyone is going to accept that, though. The event remains a puzzle. Two points can be made. Central Siberia is about the only place such an event could have happened without human casualties. ...

  • 가장 오래된 것

    과학동아 1987년 10호

    astronomers to judge distances of the galaxies had certain unexpected complications. Taking those complications into account, all the galaxies turned out too be up to three times as far from each other as had been thought. That meant that, if the film of time were reversed, it would take at least three times as long for the galaxies to come togother ― so the big bang was at least three ...

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