• 타조알과 인류의 나이

    과학동아 1990년 07호

    in a particular ostrich eggshell, you can determine the time that has elapsed since the ostrich laid that egg.This technique has been used since the 1950s on old bones, for instance, but there is a catch. In warm temperatures, the rate of change speeds up and moisture causes it to speed up, too. You can't always tell how warm temperatures have been in the past, or how much humidity and ...

  • 원자 하나씩

    과학동아 1990년 07호

    place and, when it is done, 35 atoms clearly spell out : IBM.It's a marvelous example of delicate scientific technique, but is it of any use? Right now, it isn't. In the future, though, it may become possible to manipulate single atoms in such a way as to form substances built up of specific combinations("molecules") of atoms, substances that cannot be formed by ordinary chemical means.In ...

  • PARTⅡ 방송그래픽, 어떻게 만들어지나?

    PARTⅡ 방송그래픽, 어떻게 만들어지나?

    과학동아 1990년 04호

    최첨단 분야에 종사하고 있다는 자긍심으로 열의와 노력을 다하고 있다.그러나 기술(technique) 미술(art)을 접목시킨 분야로서, 또 끊임없이 발전하는 분야로서 남모르는 어려움 역시 많다.가진 능력을 최대한 발휘하는 한편 끊임없이 배워야 한다는 이중고(二重苦)를 감수하더라도, 각자의 전공의 ...

  • 작은 꼬인 빛 Tiny Twisty Light

    과학동아 1990년 04호

    will have to be checked by others. In fact, some astronomers have already expressed their doubts as to whether the new technique can be entirely trusted.Nevertheless, such is the scientific frustration over this "mystery of the missing mass" that there is bound to be excitement over even the smallest step toward a possible solution ...

  • 공기의 흐름을 눈으로 보다

    공기의 흐름을 눈으로 보다

    과학동아 1990년 04호

    남단 오르세이지방에서 조금 위쪽에 자리한 물롱고원에 '바람과 열 산업기술'(CETIAT, Centre Technique des Industries Aerauliques et Thermiques)가 설립됐다.이곳에 들어서면 약 50명의 남녀가 컴퓨터 앞에 앉아 조사에 몰두해 있는 모습을 볼 수 있다. 그들의 연구대상은 공기 흐름의 변화.CETIAT가 실시하는 것은 ...

  • 소프트웨어위기 극복한 4세대언어

    소프트웨어위기 극복한 4세대언어

    과학동아 1990년 01호

    극복하기 위한 연구들이 많이 이루어지고 있는데 하나의 예로 구조적 기법(structured technique)에 기초한 소프트웨어공학(소프트웨어를 자동으로 생산하는 기술)을 들 수 있다. 이런 시도의 궁극적인 목표는 소프트웨어 위기의 해결이며 이를 위해서 소프트웨어의 개발과 보수유지 과정을 경제적으로 ...

  • 녹색 식물의 탄생 How Green Plants Began?

    녹색 식물의 탄생 How Green Plants Began?

    과학동아 1989년 09호

    find differences that make it look as though the two are not closely related.Obviously, more work is needed.The technique used in these molecular analyses, however, may come to be used not only to solve this particular problem but to work out the evolutionary development of cells generally.(c) 1989, Los Angeles Times ...

  • 예수의 수의

    과학동아 1989년 05호

    dwellings has been determined, as has the age of mummy wrappings. Ages up to 45,000 years can be worked out and the technique is of infinite use to historians and archeologists.What was necessary was to take a small bit of the linen of the shroud, about the size of a postage stamp, clean it and burn it. Carbon dioxide (made up of carbon and oxygen atoms) is then formed, and this can be ...

  • 다이아몬드 개량

    과학동아 1988년 09호

    One would suspect there isn't but Soviet chemists have been experimenting for years with a novel and very imaginative technique.The tricks is to produce a gas that contains single carbon atoms and allow these to layer themselves on to some other substance. For instance, you can begin with methane, a very common gas. Each molecule of methane contains a carbon atom attached to four hydrogen ...

  • 우리는 지금 몇 살인가?

    과학동아 1988년 06호

    begins that seem to those of Homo sapience sapiens. Stone tools found with those remains were tested for age by a technique called "thermo-luminescence", and if the results are corret, the skeletons are about 90,000 years old.If so, that would mean that modern man split off from the Neanderthal stock more than twice as long ago as had been thought, and there was that much more time to have ...

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