• 2. 역대 수상자 집중분석 나라·성별 명세

    2. 역대 수상자 집중분석 나라·성별 명세

    과학동아 1994년 11호

    노벨상은 다이너마이트 발명으로 유럽 최대의 부호가 된 알프레드 노벨(Alfred Bernhard Nobel, 1833-1896)의 유지에 따라 설립됐다. 자신의 발명품이 살상용으로 쓰이는 것을 개탄한 노벨은, 1895년 11월 27일에 유언장을 남겼다. "인류의 복지에 가장 구체적으로 공헌한 사람들에게 나누어주도록 유산 3천1백만 ...

  • 단백질의 위력

    과학동아 1992년 06호

    acid.After another Swedish chemist, Theodor Svedberg, invented the ultracentrifuge in 1923 (for which he received the Nobel Prize), scientists were able to determine the molecular weights of many proteins on the basis of their rate of sedimentation. The results were astonishing, for some proteins turned out to have molecular weights in the millions, indicating that their structure was ...

  • 여성 천문학자들

    과학동아 1991년 11호

    .It often happens. In 1969, Jocelyn Bell discovered pulsars. However, it was her boss (a man, of course) who got the Nobel Prize for the discovery. Miss Bell shrugged her shoulders and accepted the situation.(c)1991, Los Angeles Times ...

  • 배타의 원리

    배타의 원리

    과학동아 1991년 03호

    and no others. This accounted very nicely for some of the ways in which atoms absorbed and emitted energy.Bohr got a Nobel Prize in 1922 for this but his theory was rather crude to start with, and, as the years passed, it was extended and refined to account for still finer points in the way atoms absorbed and emitted energy.Finally, in 1925, the Austrian physicist, Wolfgang Pauli, pointed out ...

  • 금이 없다!

    과학동아 1990년 11호

    After world war I, when Germany was required to pay a huge indemnity (which, in fact, it never paid), it occurred to a Nobel Prize-winning chemist, Fritz Haber, that he might develop a method for extracting gold from the ocean and using that to pay off Germany's debt. He tried-but it didn't work.It turned out that there was less gold in the ocean that Haber had estimated, and it now seems that ...

  • 마지막 입자

    과학동아 1990년 09호

    particles are roughly as massive as the top — quark. They were detected in 1983 by Carlo Rubbia, who was awarded the Nobel prize.Both Fermilab and the CERN atom - smasher in Geneva, Switzerland, searched for the W — particles,and CERN that won that race. Fermilab is anxious to win the next race - - beginning in June, 1991, they will be ready to smash particles at higher levels of energy ...

  • 원자 하나씩

    과학동아 1990년 07호

    IBM scientists, Gerd Binning and Heinrich Rohrer, invented the "scanning tunneling microscope". They, too, received Nobel Prizes in 1986.This new microscope makes use of a thin tungsten needle that is placed almost in contact with a surface being investigated. A tiny electric current shoots electrons out of the needle which bounce off the surface and show the position of the atoms that make ...

  • 그것은 유전자 안에 있다

    과학동아 1990년 02호

    As a result of this discovery, Bishop and Varmus have now, 13 years after their crucial experiments, received the Nobel Prize.Presumably having sharpened our knowledge as to the origin of cancer, scientists might labor to identify the proto-oncogenes, to study carefully how the changes that form oncogenes out of them come about. The hope would be that appropriate treatment might prevent or, ...

  • 바라는대로 되는 것만은 아니다

    바라는대로 되는 것만은 아니다

    과학동아 1989년 10호

    didn't make it so.Another case. Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen had discovered X-rays in 1985 and won worldwide fame and a Nobel Prize. Other physicists longed to make similar discoveries.In 1903, a French scientist, Rene P.Blondlot, was convinced he had. He reported certain mysterious "N-ray" (N for Nancy, his native city) that were very difficult to detect, but which he managed to see. Others ...

  • DNA분자를 처음 보다

    DNA분자를 처음 보다

    과학동아 1989년 06호

    In the end, then, each DNA molecule produces two DNA molecules exactly alike.This work brought Watson and Crick the Nobel Prize in 1962, and their work was considered a triumph of subtle scientific deduction. They described the double helix of the DNA molecule and its workings in precise detail, even though it was much too small to actually be seen.But now, 36 years after the work of Watson ...

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