• 과학윤리


    과학동아 1997년 02호

    Rustum Roy, Professor of Materials Science at Penn State, himself an outspoken critic of some corrupt practices in modern science, used a press conference to announce a new method for making synthetic diamond, and justified that as “the only way to prevent . . . a small group of peer reviewers . . . [having] an advance chance to duplicate the work in their labs”In X-ray crystallography, ...

  • 행성의 이름은 어떻게 짓는가

    행성의 이름은 어떻게 짓는가

    과학동아 1997년 01호

    since 1976 include the following:8. No names having political, military or religious significance, or names of modern philosophers, may be used. Names of political figures prior to the 19th Century are acceptable.9. Persons being honored must have been deceased for at least three years before his/her name can be assigned to a feature. Exceptions to this rule were made for living astronauts ...

  • 방황하는 SF

    방황하는 SF

    과학동아 1996년 04호

    비인간적인 삶을 살 수 밖에 없는 상황으로 내몬다.찰리 채플린의 '모던타임즈'(Modern Times)에서는 시계 같은 거대한 산업사회에서 톱니바퀴같은 부품으로 전락해버린 인간들의 소외된 삶이 풍자적으로 그려져 있다. 나사만 보면 펜치를 돌리는 기술공이 여자의 옷에 달린 단추를 보고도 기어이 ...

  • 재활용 기술

    재활용 기술

    과학동아 1994년 01호

      The word technology refers to the "practical" arts and sciences. "Techne" means art or skill in Greek, and one modern definition is "the means by which a group obtains the material objects it considers necessary to its civilization."In our late 20th century world there is a lot of argument about what material objects are really necessary. There is even more argument about what to do with ...

  • 가상현실


    과학동아 1993년 05호

    to living outside their own lives, at least temporarily - like paleolithic people mesmerized by a story-teller, or modern people reading books, going to the movies, watching TV. And some lucky people — many of them writers — get VR for nothing, for they can experience as real the sights, sounds and emotions in a story they're imagining.The trick is to keep track of what's in the ...

  • 숲과 인간, 삶의 순환고리

    숲과 인간, 삶의 순환고리

    과학동아 1993년 01호

    있으며, 철근 시멘트 유리와 같은 죽은 무생물적 요소에 의한 소위 '현대적(modern) 도시개발'만을 강조하고 있음을 의미한다.우리 사정도 위의 '사의 중심을 낳게 하는 무생물적 도시개발'과 별반 다를 바가 없지만, 앞으로 우리가 도시 개발에 충분한 녹색공간을 이용한다면 그런 문제점을 일고에 ...

  • Frog-And More In Space 우주공간에서의 개구리

    Frog-And More In Space 우주공간에서의 개구리

    과학동아 1992년 11호

    우주공간에서 올챙이라니! 우주왕복선 엔데버호의 궤도상에서 두마리의 아프리카산 발톱달린 개구리들이 배란을 해 6백여개의 알들이 수정됐다. 그 ... stone, studied by L. R. Brand and Thu Tang, who found the Permian markings to be similar to the tracks made on underwater sand by modern newts. Gussie Fink-Nottle would be pleased ...

  • 쓰레기

    과학동아 1992년 09호

    Many plastics and metals stay put almost forever, and even paper can take 60 years to degrade(unless it's in a modern book, which seems to turn yellow and friable in a few weeks). It's stupid to burn the stuff and add to the already dangerous air pollution, but local plans are afoot to build garbage incinerators costing $100 million each that may send out 3,000 tons of toxic ash per day.If ...

  • 바퀴벌레와 컴퓨터

    과학동아 1992년 04호

    a computer but still suspect there's an Archy inside, so I called my brother-in-law, a computer maven. I learned that modern computers are based on integrated circuit silicon chips that look like little squares with a lot of tiny legs (more like millipedes than cockroaches, which make do with six legs). They don't run under the refrigerator because the legs (for input and output) are soldered ...

  • Genes In Action 활동하는 유전자

    과학동아 1992년 03호

    pair. The molecular weight goes up and so do the complications.Scientists are grappling with the complications. Modern molecular genetics is awesome stuff, trying to understand and control how genes work. Those "buliding blocks of heredity" have turned out to be DNA molecules(the famous double helix). DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is composed of four different nucleotides in various ...

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