• 여성 천문학자들

    과학동아 1991년 11호

    half of the American population and was the first woman member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.Annie Jump Cannon (born 1863) was the daughter of a state senator. She was educated at the newly established Wellesley College, graduating in 1884, then returned in 1894 for additional instruction in astronomy. She went on to study still further at Radcliffe and, in 1896, she joined the ...

  • 작은 꼬인 빛 Tiny Twisty Light

    과학동아 1990년 04호

    mass, and that, in turn, might explain a great deal about the Universe that we do not yet know.However, we must not jump too eagerly forward. The new technique is just at the edge of what can be done, and it will have to be checked by others. In fact, some astronomers have already expressed their doubts as to whether the new technique can be entirely trusted.Nevertheless, such is the ...

  • 인간과 동물의 기록비교

    인간과 동물의 기록비교

    과학동아 1988년 10호

    홉 스템 점프3단뛰기는 원래 아일랜드 지방의 경기로 영어의 홉 스텝 엔드 점프(hop step and jump)를 우리말로 옮긴 것. 혹은 트리플 점프(triple jump)라고도 한다. 이 종목은 남자선수들만의 경기이며, 두가지 방식이 있다.하나는 일본에서 많이 쓰는데, 홉에서 힘을 빼지 않고 크게 뛰어, 스텝 점프도 높이 ...

  • 최고(最古)의 날짐승

    과학동아 1988년 08호

    the greater its chance of escaping a predator trying to make a meal of it.It might well turn out that this ability to jump longer and farther was so useful that any random change that improved the ability would increase the chances of the archeopteryx's survival and enable it to produce more young that would inherit the characteristic.Little by little, flight would improve,as other ...