• 최신기술


    과학동아 1993년 05호

    Technology.' He warns against the 'technology epidemic,' saying that not only is there much more technology now than ever before, but the rate of change in technology is more rapid than ever.The tremendous, rapidly changing technology of today makes it very hard for anyone, even a scientist, to keep up to date. Computers have made the information glut worse(better and more wisely selective ...

  • 낮과 밤의 리듬

    낮과 밤의 리듬

    과학동아 1993년 01호

    in St.Louis, has also found that night workers seldom if ever get their body clocks in sync with their work hours. Every night on the job, apparently, three-fourths of the people feel sleepy and one-fifth actually do fall asleep during nighttime work hours.The night shift can, therefore, be dangerous to the workers as well as those who depend on them. More accidents occur at night, and not ...

  • '파이어니어'와의 안녕

    '파이어니어'와의 안녕

    과학동아 1992년 12호

    Leovy, at the University of Washington, recently investigated the strong winds that rotate the Venusian atmosphere every four days, while the planet below takes 243 days to complete a rotation. Solar radiation on the dense atmosphere apparently drives the thermal tides, which promote the winds. Scientists are still trying to answer other questions about the Venusian atmosphere, such as: Why ...

  • The Park Phenomenon 공원현상

    과학동아 1992년 03호

    would be pleased, although nowadays the only hunters are unfortunately humans who prey on other humans. There are, however, plenty of gatherers from various ethnic groups harvesting such delicacies as wild garlic, lambs quarters (that's a plant), knotweed, june and hawthorn berries, cherries and apples and nuts (which one must share with the birds, squirrels, rats, woodchucks and perhaps a ...

  • 왜 소행성들을 관찰하는가?

    과학동아 1992년 01호

    do come very close to us(within a million miles or so), they would be much more easily reached than, say, Mars, if we ever truly develop space travel. If so, they can be very useful as a source of minerals and metals. Because of the asteroids' insignificant gravity, it would take very little energy to lift those materials and bring them into the vicinity of the Earth, where they may be used to ...

  • 여성 천문학자들

    과학동아 1991년 11호

    detail and got the credit (being, in any case, a man).It often happens. In 1969, Jocelyn Bell discovered pulsars. However, it was her boss (a man, of course) who got the Nobel Prize for the discovery. Miss Bell shrugged her shoulders and accepted the situation.(c)1991, Los Angeles Times ...

  • 화산

    과학동아 1991년 09호

    deal of the sunshine and produced unusually cold temperatures. This was most noted in New England where there was snow every month of 1816, including July and August. New Englanders called it the 'Year Without a Summer." Hundreds of people froze to death.In 1500 B.C., an even more ferocious volcanic eruption took place, completely destroying the flourishing island of Thera. It generated ...

  • 찾기 힘든 쿼크를 찾아서

    과학동아 1991년 07호

    that quarks exist and react with each other in certain ways that it becomes almost impossible to deny their existence.Nevertheless, no matter how sensible it is to suppose they exist, physicists would like to detect one.(c) 1991, Los Angeles Times ...

  • 왜 밤하늘은 어두운가?

    과학동아 1991년 06호

    were possible, but one turned up.The galaxies have not been in existence forever and they don't stay in existence forever. There is a period in which they are born and begin to glow, and a period in which they die out and cease glowing.There may, in other words, be a nearly infinite number of stars in the universe, but they don't give off light for an infinite length of time.And what light ...

  • 거리 측정

    과학동아 1991년 05호

    going from one set of objects to another more distant set, astronomers have to make certain assumptions and they can never be sure how nearly right those assumptions might be. In consequence, the farther out they go from earth, the more uncertain they are about distance, and about the rate of expansion and about the age of the universe.Right now, the age of the universe is usually said to be ...

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