• 2. 온난화현상 일시적-곳곳서 빙하기 조짐

    2. 온난화현상 일시적-곳곳서 빙하기 조짐

    과학동아 1995년 02호

    1).구름이 복사 과정을 통해 지구 에너지 수지에 영향을 주는 효과를 구름 복사 강제력(cloud radiative forcing)이라 한다. 이는 구름이 존재하는 경우의 복사량과 구름이 없는 맑은 하늘의 복사량의 차이를 구함으로써 얻어진다. 대기 상부에서의 구름 낀 하늘과 맑은 하늘에서의 이들 복사량은 인공위성의 ...

  • 오리온의 북쪽과 남쪽

    오리온의 북쪽과 남쪽

    과학동아 1993년 12호

    area of the Orion Nebula. They found hundreds of new stars clustered in small groups. Within that area, one particular cloud contained 3,000 stars in clusters of from 10 to 50, complete with dust grains.These dense clusters contain the youngest stars of all. It seems likely that the gravitational attraction in these nursery clusters is not strong enough to hold the groups together, so ...

  • (2) '블랙홀은 검지 않다'-은하 밝기 맞먹는 거대한 에너지 방출

    (2) '블랙홀은 검지 않다'-은하 밝기 맞먹는 거대한 에너지 방출

    과학동아 1993년 11호

    들어서도 많은 블랙홀 후보들이 활발하게 관측되었다.대마젤란 은하(LMC, Large Magellanic Cloud)에서는 1987년 미국 시사주간지 '타임'의 머리기사를 장식했던 유명한 초신성이 발견되었다. 대마젤란은하는 소마젤란 은하(SMC, Small Magellanic Cloud)와 함께 남반구의 밤하늘을 장식하고 있는데 물론 ...

  • 아주 높이 있는 먼지

    아주 높이 있는 먼지

    과학동아 1993년 04호

    which stars are being formed. Furthermore, the latest supernova explosion (in the Large Magellanic Cloud) made dust clouds more visible as its light passed through them, and made it easier to calculate their distances. There's more dust in our own galaxy than the Large Magellanic Cloud, with little dust in the space between us.The news of dust rings around other stars seems to confirm the ...

  • 천랑성의 색깔

    과학동아 1991년 10호

    Sirius B are both surrounded by a cloud of gas that dims their appearance and makes them appear red. However, such a cloud of gas would also exist for thousands of years and the fact that it is not present now would alter the entire situation.Then, there is still another possibility. Sirius was, in ancient Egyptian times, considered to be a special star whose appearance in the sky was of great ...

  • 더 밝은 물체

    과학동아 1991년 09호

    billion years ago, the sun and the solar system were created.Our solar system formed out of a vast gas cloud. That gas cloud existed only because our galaxy itself had formed and had cleared up its gas. If the Milky Way had not formed in this fashion, then it might well be that the sun and the Earth would never have formed.So you see, we might actually decide that it is important whether ...

  • 왜 밤하늘은 어두운가?

    과학동아 1991년 06호

    look past them at the black sky.In the early 20th Century, it was discovered that many galaxies were filled with dust clouds and that the universe generally contained thin dust layers here and there. This dust was very efficient at absorbing light, and people began to think that that was the answer to the black sky. There was a great deal of starlight but it was absorbed by the dust.A little ...

  • 거리 측정

    과학동아 1991년 05호

    close to the crude approximations of the distance made in earlier times.Nor is the distance of the Large Magellanic Cloud important just for it's own sake. There is much more to it than that.For the last 60 years or so, astronomers have been trying to determine the size of the universe, how fast it is expanding, and therefore, how long ago the Big Bang took place and how old the universe ...

  • 블랙홀·화이트홀·웜홀 우주의 세 구멍

    블랙홀·화이트홀·웜홀 우주의 세 구멍

    과학동아 1991년 02호

    1987년 2월 남반구 밤하늘에 나타났던 초신성은 15만광년 떨어진 큰 마젤란운(Large Magellanic Cloud)속의 별이 폭발한 것이었는데 맨눈으로 볼 수 있을 정도로 밝았다. 후에 그 자리에는 중성자별이 남겨진 것으로 추정되고 있다.중성자별은 중력수축으로 수소원자핵과 전자가 붙어서 중성자로 변한 거대한 ...

  • 보이지 않았던 별

    과학동아 1990년 09호

    how do we know that such a star was ever in the sky?For one thing, the colossal explosion of that star left a cloud of debris behind that astronomers call the "Crab Nebula." It is still expanding, and from the rate of its expansion, astronomers can calculate backward and determine that the explosion began around 1054.One of the reasons that there were no European reports on the star may have ...

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