• 인류최초의 발견─불의 사용

    과학동아 1989년 03호

    was the use of fire, but we have never known exactly how long ago this discovery was made. But now, two South African archeologists have reported evidence that the discovery may have come about much longer ago than had been thought.Note that this is not a matter of the discovery of fire itself. Fire was a common event once forests came into existence about 400 million years ago. They did burn ...

  • 우리의 옛 선조들

    우리의 옛 선조들

    과학동아 1987년 12호

    900,000 years old. And there are hominids older than that, too (they seem to have evolved in eastern and southern Africa, which isn't surprising since that is where our closest non-hominid relatives, chimpanzees and gorillas, live.) In Olduvai Gorge in East Africa, hominid skulls and primitive tools were discovered in rocks that surprised scientists by proving to be about 1.8 million years ...

  • 가장 큰 날짐승

    과학동아 1987년 09호

    time the weight of the largest insect.The heaviest bird capable of flight, the Kori bustard of eastern and southern Africa, may weigh as much as 40 pounds, 20 times that of the largest bat. At that weight, however, in can just barely fly. Some albatrosses, which are not quite that heavy, have the widest wing spread--up to 10 feet.The pterosaurs has membranous wings like the bat, but whereas,in ...