• 종족의 보존

    과학동아 1990년 06호

    some stimuli only found in the wild are necessary for successful reproduction.)Bernhard Meier of Ruhr University in Germany has been exploring the forests of Madagascar, where once the largest of all birds lived. It was the Aepyornis(or "elephant bird"), which weighed up to a ton, laid the largest known egg, served as the model for the "roc" of the Arabian Nights and was driven to extinction ...

  • 두 사람

    과학동아 1990년 03호

    man" because the first bony remnants fo this variety were located in the vally("Thal") of the Neander River in western Germany. The bones were clearly human but the skull, in particular, showed interesting differences from "modern man." It had pronounced bony ridges above the eyes, which modern human beings don't have. It also had a backward-sloping forehead, a receding chin and unusually ...

  • 바라는대로 되는 것만은 아니다

    바라는대로 되는 것만은 아니다

    과학동아 1989년 10호

    were made as to when N-rays were "liberated" and when they were not.However, most scientists in Great Britain, Germany and the United States failed to detect the N-rays and there were occasional recriminations based on national prejudice on both sides. An American physicist, Robert W. Wood, visited Blondlot's laboratory and was shown the procedures. Wood secretly pocketed an essential portion ...

  • 마지막 정리

    과학동아 1988년 07호

    Now, however, a Japanse mathematician, Yoichi Miyoaka, has outlined the beginnings of a proof at a meeting in Germany in February. Will the proof move on to the desired conclusion? No one say yet, but every mathematician is holding his breath. (c) 1988, Los Angeles Times ...

  • 나무 달력

    과학동아 1988년 01호

     German scientists have been studying oak wood dredged from rivers in southern Germany, and from bogs in northern Germany and in Ireland, and have been piecing together tree-ring patterns, They have traced patterns back for 6,000 years. They also had a very old pattern that they finally matched up this year with the main pattern, pushing the calendar back a total of 7,300 years. There are ...

  • 가장 큰 날짐승

    과학동아 1987년 09호

    pterosaurs somehow did manage to fly,how did they walk? Recently, two sets of pterosaur hip bones were located in West Germany, and they were not badly crushed. From these it can be deduced that the pterosaurs's thigh bones spread outward. In that case, it is likely that the pterosaurs waddled on the ground and were clumsy walkers. We might, therefore, further deduce that, when not flying, ...